In concrete operation , we are weak from theoretical to experience in the venture capital project origin 、 the procedure in choosing f project 、 the appraisal of the project , etc . so it ' s the key to set up one science appraise system of venture capital project for venture capital firm ' s operation , it is also the problem waiting to be solved of chinese venture capital 在具体运作中,风险投资公司从哪里寻找投资项目,以何种流程进行项目的选择,如何进行项目的评价,从理论到经验都是很薄弱,因此,建立一套科学的可操作的风险投资项目评价体系是风险投资公司成功运作的关键,也是发展我国风险投资业函待解决的问题。